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1tMySpecial1nterest t1_ispuf6r wrote

I’m currently studying this for clothes. There are some studies from dry cleaners.

I’m also researching what makes quality construction. For example, Corduroy is more durable the less number of wales per square inch. 10-12 is normal.

I’m also doing my own experiment comparing boots’ longevity and price. (Not done yet)

If you are interested in studies for specific brands, it would be good to look for brands that do stress tests for their products. They will simulate wear and tear by applying repetitive motions that mimic normal use. For example, they will shine bright lights on a product to see how quickly the color fades. This allows them to test their quality without waiting a lifetime. There are also YouTube channels you might like that do these sorts of experiments with popular brands.

That being said, this sub is very diverse:

Most people respond with testimonials. They will tell you what product they bought and how long they have had it.

Some people circle jerk certain brands.

Some people tell you what materials or construction to look for without giving a brand. For example, people often recommend latex mattresses without stating a specific brand.

Some people recommend brands with lifetime warranties.

There is always one person who gives the obligatory, “there is no __ that is buy it for life,” comment.

There is always a person who recommends buying Walmart brand.

There is always a person who mocks the person’s request saying they are dumb for wanting BIFL or that the people of this sub need to learn about value.

In summary, we have all kinds of people here.