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Neither-Cup564 t1_isydgv9 wrote


Minimise the amount of stuff in your room. It all collects dust and makes it harder to clean.

If you’ve got carpet, get rid or it. It collects dust and dirt and is almost impossible to clean properly. Wood or vinyl is the best. Concrete is also bad as it generates dust.

Close your windows, maybe it’s contaminated dust or pollen floating in.

Check for mould in damp areas.


alv51 t1_isz2yzq wrote

I’ve seen claims that wool rugs can keep allergens out of the air though, and that with wooden floors microscopic particles tend to float around invisibly a lot more in the air we breathe, even with the same amount of cleaning. I don’t know how true it is but is was interesting to read.


apprpm t1_isz6fs9 wrote

Well, both are true in different ways. The dust would get trapped in the wool rug as it drifted down out of the air, but then when you walk on or vacuum the rug, a bit of dust will be stirred up. In a perfect world, you’d have bare wood floors that you vacuumed daily with a HEPA filtered vacuum. You could have cotton throw rugs if you washed them in a sanitary cycle twice a week. A good compromise is the good wool area rugs that you vacuum weekly.