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Chattypath747 t1_it571j2 wrote

You've got three choices: Plastic, Metal or Glass.

Glass is best for health but poor for durability in extreme cases.

Metal is good for health, good for durability but heavy.

Plastic isn't the best for health unless you go for a specific type of plastic (not BPA-free, because there are chemicals that can still leech out when plastic breaks down I think HDPE is solid) and is very light and cheap.

Stick with metal. Glass can be cool too if you don't expect to be in a gun fight.


vacuous_comment t1_it5eys4 wrote

> Metal is good for health, good for durability but heavy.

Errr, WTF? That is overly broad.

Aluminium is a metal and super light, far lighter than glass.

Mercury is a metal, it does not hold water and is super bad for health.


siddowncheelout t1_it5fgw9 wrote

This guys makes a fantastic point. Do not under any circumstances but mercury and use it as a water bottle. Harmful to health and will not work well.


fazalmajid t1_it76yr7 wrote

Aluminium is also a neurotoxic, if nowhere near as bad as mercury