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SnooCapers8101 t1_it9eu9u wrote

I've worn wrangler 13mwz jeans my entire life. The fit is a bit odd at first if you're used to low rise, but they are extremely comfortable. Durable as all hell, and they are cheap as hell when you look around for a deal. I've worked in them, dressed them up, and laid around in them. The best jeans on the market.


ddstaffo t1_itx08ba wrote

I 2nd this. Stay away from other wrangler denim, but the 13mwz's that you find at western wear/farm stores is awesome. Used to wear shrink to fit levi 501's but got tired of the crotches constantly wearing out after 3 years or so. wranglers are way cheaper and last way longer. Not as stylish, but this isn't a style subreddit. The denim will wear nicely and fade over time like 501's, but a little different hue of blue.