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Oldtvstillidie t1_itikrob wrote

Reply to comment by garugaga in 1956 Frigidaire Range by dezualy

I have a 56 Frigidaire imperial, this ones big brother. The oven is built and insulated just like a modern electric stove. It seems to cycle less and cook more evenly than the newer POS it replaced.


ProjectSnowman t1_itm1tml wrote

It’s probably insulated with asbestos. Too bad about the cancer, because that stuff is amazing.


Oldtvstillidie t1_itm28o3 wrote

Frigidaire used fiberglass/mineral wool. They didn’t skimp on it either. The wiring is all asbestos though. Great stuff. Doesn’t burn and short out. I don’t worry about the wiring it’s encased in a sealer.