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ThinkingThrone t1_iujbmu9 wrote

I just inherited the same speed queen washer! It's large capacity and it's such a tank


Wolfmasterbane t1_iuji0lt wrote

How do you get a speed queen for home? Do they sell a domestic line?


icsh33ple t1_iujplcr wrote

Good deal. I’ve heard good things about the speed queen, but I couldn’t stomach the retail price and went with a $400 whirlpool from Lowes.


isarobs t1_iujxbuf wrote

We got the Speed Queen…some chain stores do sell them. Expensive, but we hope it will outlast us.


mcfarmer72 t1_iujxzk2 wrote

Look on YouTube about how to increase the water level on the washer, it will increase the capacity a bunch. I understand that is one of the restrictions they did to sell to the home market. I don’t know for sure, I did ours and it really increased the capacity.

Go slowly you don’t want it to over fill.


iLikeTorturls t1_iuk3aov wrote

I love my SQ dryer... whenever our old washer dies I'll be replacing with a SQ as well.


thereal_anon t1_iuk4c14 wrote

I want you to wash me, I need you to dry me...


Sir_Arthur_Vandelay t1_iuk5qm7 wrote

My newly-built house came with all Bosch appliances (including 2 washers and 2 dryers), and I have already replaced half of everything. Bosch is more like “Buy it for 5-10 Years.”

Edit: we upgraded one fridge to a Fisher & Paykel before getting our house, and it’s been great.


DUCCofSUCC t1_iuk7b8m wrote

Cheap trick Cheap trick

Cheap trick Cheap trick

Cheap trick Cheap trick


Elgifinelgi88 t1_iuk9qs4 wrote

I bought a Speed Queen set from the early ‘80s in 1995. Still works great.


XxERMxX t1_iukb28f wrote

Seems like incredibly low odds for this to be true under normal use. Even cheap appliances last 5-10 years, let alone the $3k+ ones that you may have. What went wrong with the ones in your experience?

edit: Great name btw!