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InncnceDstryr OP t1_itnbb5i wrote

Why do you feel the need to be critical?

I don’t have to justify asking my question to you but I will. I ask the question on a specialist subreddit that I frequently read because I trust that the people who will give advice there know what they’re talking about.

Maybe try being nice, it costs nothing and if you do it to other people they’re more likely to do it back. Totally free BIFL real life karma.


A_Ghost___Probably t1_itncybk wrote

That was my advise. Lotsa people have an interest in leather boots and they have been used by many for generations. Go google this question and you'll see better results. There's actual "specialist" subs that will have great resouces for you. Google your title and you'll find info. Search 'leather boot care reddit' for better posts


InncnceDstryr OP t1_itneibn wrote

Not that it really matters at all but it came across pretty strongly as “just Google it, idiot”