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cakebreaker2 t1_iu01llb wrote

Lol. Can you believe that my wife has watched that movie?


nope_nic_tesla t1_iu0dpti wrote

I personally find it hard to believe that your wife has watched one of the most famous movies of all time.


cakebreaker2 t1_iu0j19r wrote

Dammit. I read your response and it made no sense. Then I read what I posted. She has NOT watched it.


JoMamma_80 t1_iu0skm2 wrote

I have not, either. My husband is quite disappointed in me as well.


RiotsMade t1_iu1nst0 wrote

I’ve attempted to watch it three times, and turned it off all three


procrastimom t1_iu1jrf4 wrote

I’ve probably seen the whole movie in my life time, just in bits and chunks.