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9100 t1_iucsx8l wrote

Depending on who is doing the cert it's either going to not get tested (I see loads that pass every year but really shouldn't and have glaringly obvious visual faults) or they do the tests but don't understand the results so just pass everything anyway.

So just because there is a certificate doesn't mean that you can be 100% sure it is 100% safe, and besides, that would only apply on the day of the test, there could be a fault develops in the intervening year between the certs.

I would rather have the CO detector than just hope that it's fine. If it's a rental (which I would assume it is if it needs a cert every year) then I would always put a CO in every room with a gas appliance to be on the safe side anyway for what they cost.


ConnorGoFuckYourself t1_iudb6l7 wrote

+1 for having a CO monitor just to make sure.

The house I now live in was owned by boiler/gas engineer in the late 80-through to 2002, he obviously worked on the house himself.

He had a gas fire installed, the surround for the flue is made of MDF, there was duct tape sealing the joint half way up in a bedroom. The gas supply pipe running through the house is(was) unsupported for a span of 13 foot, with multiple solder joints and a 90 degree angle on that span.

This is beyond shoddy/dangerous work by DIY standards, let alone a boiler/gas engineer!

After we moved in we found out from the people living next door (in the other half of the Semi detached house) that he did the boiler work and servicing for the people living there at the time. The young family (2 parents and 2 kids) were all found dead from CO poisoning, wrapped in blankets on the sofa as they'd thought they had the flu.

So rather wary of gas/boilers now and mention it whenever we have service engineers in, just to remind them that fucking up can have real world consequences.

We have multiple CO monitors around the house, don't risk your/your families life for the sake of a few quid for the monitors.


Plantsteachme t1_iuehplp wrote

So on top of the shoddy gas work, the property is haunted.