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Hriibek t1_iuh6p40 wrote

How long does the drier need to be on?

And if I do this with dry clothes, will the result be same or better than when I pull dry clothes that I have had washed before?


nozelt t1_iuhak1d wrote

Idk like 5-15 min I haven’t done it in forever

Not quite sure what you mean


Hriibek t1_iuhc1ly wrote



nozelt t1_iuic0l6 wrote

Ya it works with clothes that haven’t been washed recently if that’s what you’re asking


PerspectiveTricky463 t1_iuiryxv wrote

Mix a small amount of fabric softener with water in a spray bottle (like 1:10 ratio). You can watch the wrinkles fall out. Can toss it in the dryer for a minute if it’s too wet to wear, but you only need a tiny amount of the spray. It’s essentially the same as the wrinkle release spray downy makes but much cheaper since it’s just watered down fabric softener.


[deleted] t1_iuhstok wrote



nozelt t1_iuiblzq wrote

No it will definitely work with a shirt that hasn’t been washed recently. I had to dress up for sports every week in high school and never used an ironing board. That’s the point of the wet sock.


Siixteentons t1_iuhj4p0 wrote

It will be about the same as if you pulled the clothes immediately from the dryer as it finishes and hung them up immediately