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Faeglantina t1_iv54nwz wrote

I don’t have a current Galileo password, so I can’t access to read the full paper you’re referencing. I doubt you can either. Maybe I’m wrong. However, you’re glossing over what constitutes significant chronic exposure. Like I said, zeroing on cookware doesn’t make any sense. Do you still drink tea? Take over the counter medications? Drink unfiltered water from your tap? Those all have higher exposures.


artsybashev t1_iv54zo7 wrote

"For aluminum welders and workers in the aluminum industry, declining performance in neuropsychological tests (attention, learning, memory) has been found only with aluminum concentrations exceeding 100 µg/g creatinine in the urine"

"Creatinine Levels in Urine According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, the normal range of creatinine in a 24-hour urine sample is 500 to 2,000 mg a day."

So if you have a normal level of 1g of creatinine in your urine, you would need to ingest 0.1mg of aluminum daily. Your pot would dissolve 36.5mg per year or 365mg in 10 years.

Since not all of the aluminum gets absorbed the actual numbers are probably 10x larger.

I'm a med student so I have access through my uni.