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wortwoot t1_iv709h1 wrote


gaspergou t1_iv7rvri wrote

No. We have plenty of songs, but as far as I know, the lyrics weren’t really written down until academics and preservationists transcribed them.


oxtigerfrog t1_ivcrm0d wrote

When novels were written, they tried to write them in more “proper” French. To them, their French was just like a dialect.


wortwoot t1_iveqhy4 wrote

Gotcha. Similar situation in Quebec prior to the 1960’s, no one wrote the language as it was actually spoken (vocabulary/grammar). I’d imagine that while Cajun speakers can understand French speakers the reverse is not true if ppl go full dialect on them?


UnholyWardenG t1_ivm2ftr wrote

I was struggling with it. From what I've learned, it's is a mixture of standard French, and ...something?I have an atrocious American accent with French. But I've always found Cajun very interesting.