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RelentlessFuckery t1_iv740qr wrote

Where are you seeing Danner Acadias for $150?


PunManStan t1_iv744af wrote

Just Googled it and like a third of the prices that came up where under 200


RelentlessFuckery t1_iv75hog wrote

The only ones Im seeing under $350 are either used or Mil Surplus or both.


PunManStan t1_iv75n3y wrote

Weird I wonder why my results are cheaper. They're probably just used and I didn't notice.


ericj5150 t1_iv7il8e wrote

I just Googled and Dick’s at $350 was the least expensive, EXCEPT for PoshMark. PoshMark is people reselling stuff. Some of it is really good. And if you are a woman’s 7.5 those boots are a steal at $237. So probably someone got a pair right before they got discharged and they were never used or similar story.


Telomera t1_iv7j42r wrote

I just saw a womens 9 on there for $79 and now I’m tempted.


WalkMaximum t1_iv9fjw8 wrote

What’s wrong with military surplus?


RelentlessFuckery t1_iva2yly wrote

In this case? Nothing that I am aware of.

However mil surp supplies can be very limited, so when OP asked about pricing differences, comparing NIB prices from a retailer vs NIB prices on a pair of size 14s for sale from somebody who bought an auction pallet? That can explain some discrepancies in cost.

Plus, Mil Surp often doesn't get the same customer support as retail items. I used to work for a company that sold items retail and to the military. Retail items had full lifetime warranty, items sold to the military did not - they had a different repair/replace contract.