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DamnYouRichardParker t1_ivnjwg4 wrote

So you expect us to believe that you and your family have been tested for led in your system ?

And that since you and you're family haven't had an issue, that is supposed to mean no one in the history of the world could possibly have a problem with led poisoning related to kitchenware ?

Is that your argument?

This article from NPR explains how you're absolutly wrong.

Here educate yourself. You mite not look so foolish next you comment on something you obviously have no clue what you're talking about.


DamnYouRichardParker t1_ivzs8zz wrote

I did.

But obviously you need to go back and read my comment cause you mention kitchenware. And the article confirms that there is lead poisoning in kitchenware.

Your entire arrogant rant calling people stupid is pretty rich bud...

Jesus fuck. The reading and critical thinking skills of people here are fucken low to non existant.


roninwarshadow t1_ivnuqt0 wrote

From the article...

> But consumers need not fret in the dark. The FDA maintains a list of products it has tested that have revealed lead contamination. The good news: Not a single crockpot is listed. Many ceramics makers have switched to lead-free glazes. For example, Crock-Pot (the brand name that inspired a host of similar ceramic slow cookers now generically known as crockpots), tells callers in an automated message that it uses no lead additive in its glazes.


DamnYouRichardParker t1_ivp3kei wrote

From your comment

>I've never heard of anyone being lead posioned by vintage kitchenwares.

I specifically replied to you because of this comment and the article does mention specific cases where people have actually been poisoned by vintage kitchenware so...


roninwarshadow t1_ivpkjtc wrote

Not my comment - check Usernames.

But it specifically states Crock Pots have not been known to give lead contamination.