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siouxze t1_ivpcjai wrote

>recklessly poisoning ones family.

Lol. Ok. If these things have been recklessly poisoning families for 50 years, why isnt everyone walking around with cancer? Maybe it's because my cancer had nothing to do with a crockpot and everything to do with the american healthcare systems failings and bad genetics. If these things were as deadly as people claim they'd be banned from thriftstores, ebay, etc like the corningware electric kettles.

Wait until you find out about nonstick coatings. You will shit a brick.


ZenoofElia t1_ivpdfs0 wrote

Yep. I don't touch teflon, also cancerous.

You're the one in denial who is actively poisoning your body. Go ahead. Keep it up.

>If these things have been recklessly poisoning families for 50 years, why isnt everyone walking around with cancer? Maybe it's because my cancer had nothing to do with a crockpot and everything to do with the american healthcare systems failings and bad genetics.

LOL. Look at all the cases of cancers in the last 50 years. It has everything to do with families poisoning their systems whether with lead, teflon, mercury, etc. It's a combination of poor choices and denialism.


siouxze t1_ivphtb6 wrote

Fun fact: most older american homes have lead water intake pipes. Youre trying to make this about crock pots when it's not. Flint Michigan is not an isolated case. An unnerving amount of america has way more lead exposure than they realize. Just not from these old crock pots.


ZenoofElia t1_ivpinpe wrote

I'm not blaming it solely on crock pots. Like I stated in my very first response to your crazy ass replies, it all adds up. It's a combination of poor choices; lead in water pipes, paint, crockpots; teflon cookware, living near petrolium plant; it all adds up Soixzie.

Grow up. Wake up. Take some responsibility and open your eyes.