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beachvibes4 t1_iw83zs1 wrote

Are any safety razors not BIFL?


Kidan6 t1_iw94y9m wrote

Many of the cheaper newer ones are made of a zinc alloy called zamak. There are reports of corrosion from lack of cleaning, leading to the screw-in section breaking


Slaskballe512 OP t1_iw87hbi wrote

99% of the time, Absolutely. However I had an old Gillette Twist with a white plastic handle that started crumbling, but the head is still useable so I might make a new handle for it one day


Faeglantina t1_iwpbzme wrote

I did have a modern safety razor that I dropped and bent. Couldn’t use it anymore without butchering myself. Bought a Gillette from the 30s, and it feels completely different. I feel like this one is going to last.


beachvibes4 t1_iwpxldi wrote

I bet if I hit it with a hammer it’d bend and be useless


mcfarmer72 t1_iw8a23w wrote

Those adjustables are good, I’ve had mine for probably 50 years.


B_lovedobservations t1_iw84wxn wrote

I started with a traditional razor a few years ago, I bought an adjustable one online and was stressing every time I shaved, trying to figure out what number to use. Then I bought a 1930 Gillette razor. No adjustments, just the razor. Works fine for me, smooth baby bottom skin as they say and I laugh every time I think about “the aggressiveness of the blade” lol

One like this.


DirftlessEDC t1_iw9gmvs wrote

Those Gillette New razors were great! Super smooth and yet efficient as hell. I collected a bunch of double edge razors a few years back that one was one of the best I tried!


MarqDong t1_iw8q8e4 wrote

I have the same one, do you set it to 9 or 1? Blades are getting harder to find though,


Slaskballe512 OP t1_iw8ts0g wrote

I keep it on 9 all the time.
I recommend buying as many blades as you can when you get the chance, supplies have been dwindling lately.


agent_flounder t1_iwa0x1r wrote

Oh crap really?? Please don't tell me that's permanent? I just got some more feather blades but maybe I need to keep buying and stock up. Shit.


TheBlackestCrow t1_iwd8u5z wrote

Feather is Japanese so they are probably easier to get. Most Gillette blades are made in Russia so that explains the current situation.


agent_flounder t1_iwd93x6 wrote

Ok that makes sense. Also that's a huge relief.


F-21 t1_iwonnc9 wrote

These razors are still used in a lot of the world so I'd not worry that they'll stop producing them....


SelfDERPecating t1_iw8wa9s wrote

I've always left mine on a middle setting but now I wonder if I should experiment more. I bought it maybe 20 years ago. Mine looks the same, but not sure how to date it.

I get my blades (Feather brand) online.


Slaskballe512 OP t1_iw8z4no wrote

Check for a letter and a number under the head of the razor, the letter indicates the year of production and the number indicates what quarter of the year it was made. Feather is a great choice, it's a bit sharper than what I use (Astra) so maybe it could be used on a lower setting. Be careful when changing the number


SelfDERPecating t1_iw94g13 wrote

Nice! Mine has a J and a 3. Quick internet search is telling me it's from 64. Thanks for the details!


agent_flounder t1_iwa12qp wrote

I cut my face up with feathers on a more aggressive setting with that razor. I found that a middle number works well for me too.


agent_flounder t1_iwa0ijr wrote

I set mine to I think 6 or 7 most of the time. With Feather blades.


TibaltLowe t1_iw9w9ca wrote

I’ve got the same one I just don’t remember the year on it. Been using it for quite a number of years now. I keep it set to 7 with feather razor blades.


ClydePincusp t1_iwb4wbs wrote

I use these too. I save money hand over fist by not buying cartridge razors.


McGoojr t1_iw9520h wrote

My dad has used his since before I was born. I’m 34 and trying to find one myself


DirftlessEDC t1_iw9g1cm wrote

I use to have over 80 safety razors with most of them being Gillette ones like the adjustable in the photo. Just go antiquing and find a good one. As a collector back then I’d find so many that if I already had one in my collection, I’d restore the other one and sell it for a little profit. Personally I found single edge razors to be better for me(injector razors to be exact) so I sold all of the double edge ones for single edge’s. I highly recommend finding an old Schick injector(type L is super common/found cheaply and happens to be a favorite of mine because it’s soooo smooth) or buying a Supply SE razor which is a modern injector razor.

Double edge razors have thinner and cheaper blades, but the injector blades last me longer and with them being stiffer they are easier on my neck. They’re also have the shaving angle built in, with double edge you have to find the right angle, so it’s easier starting out IMHO.


nasanu t1_iwb7vtj wrote

Last year I dumped cartridge razors for a Feather double edge. Why I didnt do it 20 years ago I don't know... I'll never buy another razor again and I am still using the blades I bought sometime last year.


NWO_Eliminator t1_iwd0m1s wrote

Mine is few years older than yours, got from gramps after he quit using it when he hit his 80's. I use Gillette Silver Blue blades.


F-21 t1_iwonsdf wrote

I have one but never got a good shave with it. My Rockwell 6s on #3 plate is awesome though.


H3ndk t1_iwq5nu9 wrote

What's bifl? Nice razor.


notproudortired t1_ix5ql8e wrote

My favorite model! Has both the butterfly head (harder to drop the blade and bits in the shower) and blade-angle adjustment ring.


TypicalTryst t1_ixk1z2n wrote

Will last forever. My Gillette is from 1911. Its simple and practically indestructible.