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NewspaperElegant t1_iwi9py4 wrote

Dang! I didn’t know this, I thought if you froze canning jars they cracked no matter what


genthiesen t1_iwikez3 wrote

I’ve not had it happen yet - my keys are to leave headspace and let it cool properly before adding a lid and putting in the freezer.


insertcleverthought t1_iwimrfw wrote

I've had a few crack on me. The key is to not fill above the shoulder of the jar and leave the lid off until it's frozen, then cover it. And stick to the 16 Oz or smaller. The 32 Oz have a much higher failure rate. In terms of bang for the buck, nothing beats the canning jars for food storage.


kbotc t1_iwirb8c wrote

They're not very space efficient is my problem with them: They don't stack well in a freezer, they leave tons of space around them (as they are circles), but they are cheap and I had a bunch.


insertcleverthought t1_iwirmvg wrote

Yeah, i could see the space efficiency being a challenge. I think it depends on the layout of your freezer. I have a drawer in my freezer that they fit perfectly in. It's like they made the drawer specifically for these jars.


carnelian_heart t1_iwkwdwm wrote

Once frozen, you could put them on their sides and then use shelf inserts to add another stack. Kind of like wine bottles stored on their sides.