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krollAY t1_iwrmane wrote

Makes the funerals very romantic, but the child rearing is a bleak affair.


Web-Dude t1_iws18vi wrote

It's not as bad as you think. Basically the way farm kids were raised in the 1800's. They work really hard, but they eat really well and grow up with an incredible work ethic. Honestly wish I had some of that (should be coding right now instead I'm on reddit).


krazy_kat_laddie t1_iws56j1 wrote

And that's why you're bound to lose your job to Amish coders. Tsk. Tsk.


Web-Dude t1_iwuv0n0 wrote

don't laugh. I did once lose my job to a Mennonite developer when I first started!

He drove a sports car and was way cooler than me. That was the day I realized I didn't know anything about anything.


bikinireef t1_iwsibpn wrote

They also (in the US) often stop education after middle school and there's rampant sexual abuse in the communities


joenphillips t1_iwsjurv wrote

There is absolutely no evidence to back that up other than some random reporter with anonymous sources.

Their actual rates are far lower than the general population.


RedStateBlueStain t1_iwss38i wrote

>There is absolutely no evidence to back that up other than some random reporter with anonymous sources.

Can confirm. Grew up with Amish, and, as a whole, they are the most kind, decent, wholesome people you'll ever meet.

Did I meet a few asshole Amish? You betcha. In that regard, they're just like any other sector of society. So, I'm sure there's isolated incidents of sexual abuse, just like any other sector of society. But it definitely isn't rampant, because the vast majority of them are the type to best the shit out of anyone engaging in such behavior.

Can also confirm that, in fact, nearly all our their children don't attend school after the 8th grade. But the Amish kids my age were smarter in 8th than the majority of people I graduated with. So, nothing lost there...


evilted t1_iwstl5g wrote

Not big on their puppy mills. They can fuck off.


RedStateBlueStain t1_iwswqjn wrote

>Not big on their puppy mills. They can fuck off.

Raising dogs isn't strictly an Amish endeavor.

Obviously, people wanna buy dogs, or why else would anyone, not just the Amish, raise them?....maybe the target of your ire should be the people shelling out money for dogs, not the people raising the dogs to fulfill a demand?


JAK3CAL t1_iwszpif wrote

Just worked with amish on my property. Does limited interactions reveal deep underlying issues? no... but they sure seemed happy. really enjoyed talking to them and their perspectives


GrapeScotch t1_iwsquvu wrote

It’s a reference to the TV show The Office. Dwight talks about his family’s tradition of being married while standing in your own grave plots.


awesomesauce615 t1_iwstv16 wrote

They don't actually eat that healthy overall. They have plenty of problems of obesity and don't steer clear of refined sugar.


JAK3CAL t1_iwszh4s wrote

ive met plenty of amish men with a few tires stacked around their waist haha


tikimora t1_iwstx8f wrote

I dated an ex Amish guy for a few years. The stories I heard from him and what he endured….It really is that bad. To put it in perspective if I had to choose between Sc*entology or the pick the former.


reduces t1_iwsp7g8 wrote

something something unexpected office