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Web-Dude t1_iws1nzr wrote


Everyone I know knows that I want to be put in a cardboard box and/or just a large hole. I have zero interest in my meatbag when I'm done with it.

But I think maybe a high-quality coffin isn't so much for the person going into it as much as it's for the people still alive who want to feel good about sending them off.


ivanoski-007 t1_iws9abm wrote

I don't care , they WILL respect my decision to he put in a cardboard box !


JoMamma_80 t1_iwsehz9 wrote

My Grammy always said this. Put me in a cardboard box, and send me on my way.

It’s a little funny that she wanted to be cremated but my papa wanted a wake and funeral for her first, so he bought a (beautiful) basically covered cardboard (maybe like particle board in there, too?) casket that she would then be burned in.

I know she was laughing.


Mountain_Man_88 t1_iwsdn5a wrote

I want one of those classic pine boxes like you see in westerns and old horror movies. Chuck me in the ground and let me decompose, shouldn't cost more than $100.


scottb84 t1_iwsnywn wrote

No-frills wood caskets remain a popular option for observant Jews, who apparently cannot be buried in anything with metal components. My understanding is the Leonard Cohen was buried in a simple pine box.


Anianna t1_iwtl19v wrote

I've signed the papers to have my meat bag donated to my state's research lab. All my family has to do is call them to come pick it up.