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BoilerButtSlut t1_iwwq2k7 wrote


>Lasts a lifetime

Yeah, good luck with that.

You can get phones that last a long time but they certainly are not cheap.

The upgradability idea you have for radios is not possible. That is a limitation because of how sensitive modern radios are. You have to certify with identical environments and surroundings.


BornAgainSpecial t1_ix4ehf9 wrote

Why would a phone that lasts a long time not be cheap?

Why would I need a modern radio that has been "certified"?

The OP is asking for normal things that people want, not this bizarre stuff.


BoilerButtSlut t1_ix5uk6w wrote

A smartphone that lasts a long time is not going to be cheap. It costs more to make something more durable.

My response was about "swapping antennas" to upgrade to 5g. Cellular radios don't work like that. That's not possible. There are a variety of technical and regulatory hurdles that prevent that from working.


chevron-preplan-29 OP t1_iwx4kve wrote

I'd pay quite a lot, as much as some of those absurdly priced flagships go for, if I had some sort of legally enforceable guarantee that I won't need to ever buy another due to breakage, like a contract with a very solvent company for a lifetime warranty. I say cheap since I doubt that I'm going to get anything resembling not a scam, so I'd rather minimize the damage.
