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shadow1515 t1_ix3yea4 wrote

You just made me consider the age of the belt I'm wearing right now and I realized I've been using it nearly every day for 20 years. Got dang, how do decent belt manufacturers even stay in business?


HalfysReddit t1_ix53qyu wrote

I imagine belts are not their bread and butter revenue stream, belts seem like the sort of thing you'd manufacture if you're already manufacturing lots of other leather products and have materials that would go to waste otherwise.


Trackerbait t1_ix629f6 wrote

yeah they usually sell bags and stuff too, unless they're buying the skin scraps from a company that has already used most of the hide (shoes, furniture, etc)


Bomasaurus_Rex t1_ix4hrra wrote

The only reason I had to buy a new belt is because I gained some weight during the pandemic. Just joined a gym, so I'm hoping I can return to my 10 year old Levis belt!


ArcherCat2000 t1_ix7bha6 wrote

You got this! I got a nice expensive belt that I love shortly before I started exercising again, as of now I'm on it's smallest hole 😢