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Jaded-Distance_ t1_ix45q3p wrote

And by "real" he means full grain not genuine. 5 years doesn't actually sound that bad. Before I discovered full grain I'd get maybe 2 years tops out of a belt.

It also helps to get more than 1 and alternate them, and hang them up when not in use. As well as use conditioner on them.


tjx-1138 t1_ix5fss8 wrote

I had zero luck with leather belts before I discovered Thirteen50. I've heard a bunch of other people have great luck with Saddleback Leather belts.


teacherofderp t1_ix5gzpl wrote

The terms "full grain" and "genuine" don't really mean much, at least in the US. You might as well say it's organic.


bluesatin t1_ix5vi9m wrote

But full-grain leather is genuine leather?

Genuine leather just means something is made from actual leather and isn't faux-leather.

I know a lot of people commonly repeat that it's a grade of leather, but that's not true, it's just a broad category to give to all types of actual animal based leather.


maboyles90 t1_ix6uqjn wrote

Full grain is genuine, but genuine is more often not full grain.


bluesatin t1_ixanvt0 wrote

Sure, that was my kind of my point; no idea why I was downvoted.

I was just pointing out that was the person I was replying to made no sense, since you can't avoid buying genuine leather if you want full-grain.

The only way what they were saying made any sense is if they thought genuine leather was a 'grade' of leather like full-grain is, which is some nonsense that keeps getting repeated for some reason.


maboyles90 t1_ixap5qb wrote

I mean, your didn't really say that. The point they were making is that "genuine leather" is marketing jargon to say 'yes there's leather here." It says nothing about the quality.

That's like Cheez-its saying they're made with real cheese. Sure cheese was involved at some point in the process, but the final product shares no similarities to cheese.

And in a sub about buying something to last for life. We want the real cheese.


nstarleather t1_ixaqlkt wrote

Yes but “real cheese” is made with real cheese so if you say “don’t buy anything made with real cheese” then no cheese at all for you.

Same with genuine leather, if you say “don’t buy genuine leather” then you’ve excluded all real leather full grain or otherwise.

The problem is that full grain>top grain>genuine breakdown just is a shortcut that kinda works when reading brief descriptions but not a true “grading scale” as the internet portrays it.