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knittingkittyqueen t1_ix8i62h wrote

It depends on the type of product and what kinds of regulations or protections are currently in place for the product, way of manufacturing, or materials used. Usually there is not "one place" to check everything/anything. It will take some legwork as a consumer.

Sometimes, even if a product has certain stamps of approval like the leaping bunny for anti-animal cruelty in cosmetics, they might still use child labor to mine the mica pigments that bring color to makeup, or the metal for packaging, or have poor working conditions for the people in their factories.

To help make it easier you can find websites or groups like the good shopping guide that compile companies that ethically make products or ethically source materials/ingredients, rate them, fact check them, and cross reference. I found this site after a quick Google. They seem to be extremely comprehensive. Any decent group will be transparent about how they audit/collect data on the companies they have listed. The good shopping guide goes into deep detail about how they audit.

You may need to find multiple websites depending on what you want to research.