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CzarDestructo t1_ixodpa5 wrote

And you can install an android app that emulates the signal with your phone speaker. Most modern phone CPUs have high enough quality sound that it can make the signal clean enough to update devices that otherwise can't receive the signal.


NamityName t1_ixp3pt1 wrote

So it uses the speaker to create sound waves that emulate electromagnetic waves..... I am a bit doubtful

Edit: i ran the app for an atomic watch that i cannot sync where I am, and it worked.


jonoff t1_ixpfx5n wrote

It's not the sound waves nor speaker that matters here, but what powers the diaphragm of that speaker. The speaker's very small electric coil puts out EM waves at a harmonic frequency the device picks up. Pretty neat trick.

Building just a wire loop greatly improves the signal without any audio.


ARoyaleWithCheese t1_ixplk4m wrote

This 100% reads like one of those "charge your phone in the microwave" pranks. Of course it's not, but it does come across just as ridiculous if you don't understand the science behind it. Suddenly it seems not that crazy people would fall for hoaxes like that.


Liquidretro t1_ixs94dg wrote

Thanks for the explanation, I have always wondered how this works exactly


tmart42 t1_ixpg8gm wrote

Wait until you hear…that modern speakers can transmit in more than just the mechanical wave spectrum…


average_AZN t1_ixp6dvx wrote

I'm an electrical engineer and i can't believe this works.. Wild


yertle38 t1_ixp4b1j wrote

Oh that’s neat. I wonder if you can sabotage public clocks with that 😀


8dogsinatrenchcoat t1_ixpv0jl wrote

Thank you!!

I have one of these clocks but it has lost the ability to receive a signal. One of those things where it's useless but you hate to throw it out in case there's a fix. And there is!