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Goolic t1_ixondv7 wrote

If it spent any time underwater or has the external panels deteriorated I would worry. Else I think it can go over 100 years without worrying.


MonstahButtonz t1_ixoplfj wrote

Good to know. I figure natural gas lines under ground for homes don't get changed out very often, and those are exposed to bare elements, so an oven maybe indeed should last safely for hundred(s) of years.


ShadyRealist t1_ixp9lq5 wrote

Underground steel piping gets corroded within a couple of decades. Gas lines inside the walls hardly corrode. I've worked on appliances that are 100+ years old and they work great. If they are well maintained, they will last for a LOOOOONG TIME. If they aren't, then you would be able to refurbish it for a couple hundred dollars.