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P_mp_n t1_j1yumem wrote

Did it burn out? I am because the exhaust ports looks clogged. Maybe it can be saved


Arcade_West t1_j1z7wvd wrote

Why post this here then


Amyx231 t1_j20bmir wrote

11 years is a lifetime and a half for electronics? I’m impressed at least.


zs15 t1_j20fexi wrote

I got a ConAir my sophomore year off HS (2005) and it's still running. 11 years for a simple tool doesn't seem notably long.


Amyx231 t1_j20fv6n wrote

Dang. My mom’s Conair blow dryer from 2004 or 2005 still works. But it only gets used once or twice a year so….

I’ve never actually had electronics die on me. Except computers. And LED battery-operated light strands (tbf, $10 lights lasting almost 3 years of year-round use is pretty impressive). But normal stuff like curling irons still work decades later. It’s just…basic tech. Sturdy. But the OP’s blow dryer probably died die to heat from the clogged vent and insides.


zs15 t1_j20hpqi wrote

I've used mine nearly every day, except for that stretch during COVID when all us guys decided to try buzz cuts.

I do clean out the vent every year though.


Amyx231 t1_j20hzdz wrote

That’s the way!!! Take care of it and it’ll take care of you!

My dad’s electric water kettle still works a decade later. I refuse to use it cause to me rust is icky, but mine still works 7 years later too! He refuses to use mine cause to him plastic parts is icky. Lol. Daily use indeed.


SignificantSmotherer t1_j26zp4w wrote

When I had my waist-length mane, I experienced my first ConAir failure at the stylist: “Dude, what’s that smell?”

(Blue flames leaping out of the vent, he drops it on the floor.)

Two home ConAir dryers also went out in a blaze of glory. I like their airflow better than the Sunbeam that replaced them, but three strikes was enough.


amkoh0 t1_j1yvcha wrote

Open up, clean out, check thermal fuse. It's probably a small job.


badsandwiches t1_j20je40 wrote

Op I dunno why you've been getting sarky comments just because it didn't last your whole lifetime. Poster above is probably totally right though, unless it's been damaged in some way you can most likely follow their steps to get it working again. :)


SensitiveSirs OP t1_j20omz3 wrote

Thanks to both of you haha! I will definitely try! Cleaning didn't help but I'll open it up and see what I can do.


Shredrik t1_j1zd9jc wrote

So this is what NOT to buy for life?


SensitiveSirs OP t1_j1ze0o0 wrote

11 years of daily use is an insanely long lifespan for a hair dryer. Point taken though.


Shredrik t1_j1zenpm wrote

I'd suspect the hairdryers manufactured before planned obsolescence really took effect would have a longer lifespan


SensitiveSirs OP t1_j1zf5zj wrote

Probably, yes. I still would never have expected it to stay with me for over a decade and that's why I posted it here. It was 5€ mind you. But like I said, point taken, as you and multiple other people have pointed out it obviously wasn't the kind of post intended for this sub.


Shredrik t1_j1zg7sj wrote

Yeah bifl is one and done for the rest of your life or at least that's how I understand it


n8loller t1_j1zkcyh wrote

That doesn't sound like a long lifespan for a hair dryer. I never use them daily though, maybe once or twice a month.


SensitiveSirs OP t1_j1zo3q0 wrote

I.e. mine got used 15–30 times more often. Had it been yours, it would've lasted 165–330 years. I know I'm simplifying a lot here, but I do think that 11 years is pretty damn good for a daily driver.


n8loller t1_j1zuyqi wrote

My mom does use hers daily so maybe I'll see what she thinks. She bought me the same one she has so she can use it when she visits lol. It seems like she gets a new one every like 5 years, but I'm not sure if thats because the old ones broke or she just found a better one and wanted to upgrade.


TLTP t1_j1zfofx wrote

Well that didn’t last long. I would say it’s not a BIFL.


groovy604 t1_j20046y wrote

OP are you aware 10ish years =/= a life time....


SensitiveSirs OP t1_j20113f wrote

Yes I am aware. Also (now) aware this clearly wasn't the right sub. I just never would've expected it to last that long.


PoliticalRacePlayPM t1_j2033yd wrote

u/groovy604 are you aware you can do this ≠ and it makes it look so much cleaner?

Are you also aware that this sub accepts things that aren’t literally made for your entire life? Did you ever consider that your worthless comment added nothing to this discussion?


groovy604 t1_j21n6zy wrote

You posted a consumer electronic that lasted an average amount of time ( at best), of course im going to call it out. 30 years sure I guess, but a decade? I guess I can post all sorts of average built products then too eh?


bigjilm123 t1_j1z7uc0 wrote

My dryer just cacked today too. Nice smell of burning motor to start my day…


Amyx231 t1_j20bjwt wrote

Clean it out first. Then maybe it’ll turn on again?


Govedo13 t1_j2115si wrote

My wife have the similar model, I clean it up once per 2-3 years. the holding screws are not standard, you should be aware.


SensitiveSirs OP t1_j211tm5 wrote

Thank you for the heads up! I will definitely try it!


SimpleVegetable5715 t1_j216g0c wrote

Next hair dryer clean the intake filter, and maybe it will last even longer. The cover should screw or pop off, then wash it with warm soapy water and let it air dry 🙂

Tbh, I bonked mine on the countertop and that must have knocked something lose, got another 2 years out of that hair dryer 😂 But only bang/hit it as a last resort. It also might have overheated and just needs to sit around unplugged for a few days.


BigD_277 t1_j21r1n1 wrote

Have a Dyson that crapped out a couple days ago. Any recommendations for a replacement?


Paynethhh t1_j1zmudj wrote

Buy it for... eh 10 years, why not
