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Legitimate_Jicama757 t1_j21412r wrote

Never forget your towel! First rule of hitch hiking the galaxy


tom-tildrum t1_j214rzr wrote

Came here looking for this comment…OP is a frood who really knows where his towel is


Polymersion t1_j22etre wrote

Never been one hoopier


DanJDare t1_j22hh7m wrote

Ugh this kills me inside but hoopy is a noun not an adjective.


Polymersion t1_j22htsd wrote

Really? I'm quite certain it's been both. I'm pretty sure there was even a contract of "thinking hoopy thoughts" on at least one occasion.


DanJDare t1_j22idr8 wrote

I thought so but on farther investigation I was wrong. I am not unhappy about this, rather like the whole Moët thing it just twists my mind up.