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Srs_Bizz t1_j1wrb39 wrote

You hit the mark at the end of your comment... reduce the load!

Backpackers should only carry 25% of their body weight for a short period of time... 20% is the recommended regular maximum to avoid excess risk of injury.

For those wondering... yes, these civilian recommendations contradict some common practice by the military. There is a reason soldiers are more prone to lifelong injuries, and it's not all because of being downrange from hostiles.

When backpacking near max recommended weight, hiking poles are highly recommended. These can take up to about 15% of the load force off your leg muscles and place it onto your upper body muscles, which are otherwise not really engaged while hiking.

NOTE: This comment assumes OP does not weigh 400lbs+


rehtulx t1_j1yxaug wrote

I won’t say nobody was, but very few people in the military were ever carrying 100-125 pounds in a backpack.

A lot of the weight was distributed elsewhere in our body armor/plates, weapons, helmet, NVG, ammo/batteries radios on the front of our vests, etc

Even then, the motto was “light as right”—we try to strip as much weight as possible by doing things like taking everything out of its container, carrying loose amino instead of extra magazines etc

And to your point, yes, my knees and back are still permanently fucked up from it, and I never even jumped much.