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Smoothlarryy OP t1_j276aaj wrote

Fuck you were right lol I got a 5.11 rush 72 military backpack which I have used twice with the weight in it and there is a tiny rip in the bottom from the weight and extra abrasion of the rocks. I’m gonna take them out and pad the bottom like you said and try putting them back in to see if it holds up.


Quail-a-lot t1_j27d7vy wrote

Haha, yeah I am a rockhound and was also previously in the military so I am familiar with those backpacks as well (and really not a fan to tell the truth, military gear sucks ass). I have been known to actually haul rocks for funsies in my backpack. This will destroy both military and hiking backpacks xD

I still think used weights or just jugs of water might be a bit easier in the end to throw in there. A gallon of water weighs about 8.35 pounds and a 2 liter soda bottle is about 4.4 pounds. You will have a bit of extra challenge the larger your container is because water is a liquid and therefore not static. If you don't want any sloshing, freeze it, or else just enjoy the bonus training.

You deffo want an external frame when putting weird-shaped hard objects in your backpack and to pad any corners. Even if you go with milk jugs and whatnot, I'd toss in a blanket or an old coat or something as padding or at least some cardboard.


Smoothlarryy OP t1_j29w1dd wrote

Yeah I’m gonna empty it out tonight pad it with either towels or a blanket and try putting them back in hopefully it’ll hold up now and it wont rip anymore it was an expensive bag. I have weights in there as well on top of the rocks the problem is i just don’t have enough of them as I’d like haha that is a good point about the water jugs though I’ll see if I can try and incorporate that to