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16596 t1_j1k4dya wrote

I’ve had a pair of these for over a decade now and they get better every year! Probably due for a resole soon, but I really love them


mildOrWILD65 t1_j1kp4w5 wrote

When I was in the US Army (83-87), I was always amazed at how well out combat boots cleaned up. We could have been in the mud, water, scuffing the heck out of them all week but an hour's worth of work and they'd be spit-shined and looking like patent leather, come inspection time.


cykovisuals t1_j1lgz5u wrote

What OP isn’t telling everyone is that they smell like rotting Limburger cheese.


gardener1337 t1_j1lmxz3 wrote

Just freeze them for a few days. Kills the bacteria and so the smell


Perunamies t1_j1nymi7 wrote

Will putting them outside at freezing temps help?


gardener1337 t1_j1nz4dj wrote

The thing that smells is the stuff bacteria eat and poop so to say. Anything that kills bacteria will help. So alcohol as well as heat. Freezing temps will also do that


FigureSevere8950 t1_j1kmjlk wrote

Have these same pair! Mine are 10 years old and in near perfect shape


Githyerazi t1_j1kfqgb wrote

Throw some shoe polish on them and they'll look like new!


e2g4 t1_j1kzwca wrote

I think oil was a much better idea


Githyerazi t1_j1l5onb wrote

Depends on the look you're going for. Oil is great for preserving leather. Polish evens out the color and makes the shoes shine.


e2g4 t1_j1m9vjs wrote

Yea, the guy proudly posted 13 year old boots. I’m thinking he’s not going to want a flat black, undifferentiated surface, like every other pair of boots out there. I’m thinking he likes what he’s got and wants to enhance it.


ZU34 t1_j1l1oq6 wrote

Excellent. What type of sole on these?


Morphabond OP t1_j1l1rkq wrote

They’re stock, it says Vibram on the bottom


InjuryComfortable666 t1_j1l8akh wrote

Are these still good or has quality gone downhill? My rockports have been pretty good for six years, but are starting to wear out.


sugar-kane t1_j1lqw74 wrote

Maybe because they smell bad?


SnooOnions400 t1_j1l8d6y wrote

Do you have a before picture? This looks so satisfying


FuzzyMcBitty t1_j1ltbc0 wrote

What would you use to take scuffs out of and develop character in something like these.

I got Brickmore leather conditioner, but it only looks good for a little bit.

I don’t mind scuffing, but these look “distinguished,” whereas my hiking boots just look like they’ve been through some shit.


Holybasil t1_j1mu3fy wrote

Depends how deep the scuffs are. You might have to sand it slightly and redye them.

But hiking boots aren't ment to look pretty.


FuzzyMcBitty t1_j1mzsqe wrote

What boots ARE long lasting and meant to build character?

I walk 4 or 5 miles a day, and I got these when I became frustrated buying new shoes a few times a year.


Holybasil t1_j1n5kkr wrote

Any that are resoleable. I don't know of too many brands that offer it, but Lundhags, Zamberlan (my brand of choice), Lowa, Hanwag and Altberg all make boots specifically designed to be resoled.

Now all of those brands are European, but I'm sure there are some American brands out there as well.


Wurm42 t1_j1lupkp wrote

Looking good! If they've never been oiled before, the leather will soak up the oil quickly; be ready to oil them again in a month or so.


I_Zeig_I t1_j1m0sxt wrote

Anyone know if thr current ones made are the dame quality?


909Rat t1_j1m3zk9 wrote

Are they still being sold? Can’t seem to be able to find them.


MLVizzle t1_j1o9epq wrote

Just curious how often do you wear these??


Morphabond OP t1_j1qnqlu wrote

Not enough lol. Like twice a week half the year


RstyKnfe t1_j1l7bf3 wrote

"Please, OP, buy new boots!" said no wife ever! :P


siva_lee t1_j1l3xfo wrote

Amazon link?
