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velielyn t1_j23octk wrote

You've presented a golden opportunity for me to ask this question: do you have any left handed colleagues who you happen to know their brand preference?

I looked at Kai, and they only change the handle mold on their left handed models. This means the blades aren't reversed, which in turn means the actual cut is taking place behind/under the blade from where the cutter is positioned. It just makes it a bit more difficult to be precise.


gunghogary t1_j259fxs wrote

The only left handed cutters and sewers I know have adapted to using their right hands for cutting, using what’s available.

However, what you’re asking for is “True Left Handed” or “Reverse Bladed” dressmaking shears.

I’m pretty sure Kai reverses the blades on their left handed versions, at least they do of the higher end models (7000-series Professional models). Here’s a quick Amazon search of some 10”er’s