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GullibleDetective t1_j0x3wx5 wrote

Instead of brand you should know what to look for

You want the tang or the metal part to either be part of the handle or forged into it like a global. You want a couple of rivets minimum if it's not forged handle/blade.

Next you need to know what you plan on cutting with it whether it includes bones or other dense materials or just soft vegetables, meats and fish.

Japanese knives have a slighter angle and less material over all (for the standard chef's knife) (there are cleavers as well that can be used for everything). That and the bevel for Japanese is usually about 18°

European knives are different, they're heavier, have a larger bevel and can handle heftier cuts without sharpening. They however won't glide through vegetables as well or be as precise.

Every brand will have its entry level cheaper versions and ones that are designer and others that are great for both the professional and the home cook.

Notable brands are:


  • Victoriaknox
  • Wustoff
  • Henkel


  • Mac
  • Kikuichis
  • Global
  • Kershaw-shun