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Th3D3sp3rado t1_izl6vyi wrote

What’s the deal with the turtle tho


swim846 OP t1_izlg7uo wrote

They are also bifl , have had them for 11 years


Chowbasa t1_izltl6j wrote

I wish dogs were truly BIFL, one of our dogs passed away las year at 16yo. Got it for my wife as a puppy when we were still dating! He was the runt of the liter and left as the last one bc he only had a stump of a tail, ended looking like a corgi/Aussie mix but.


GrandallFFBE t1_izmc663 wrote

Man… I’ve had more than one best friend already and I wish they were all BIFL. For such empathetic creatures it’s sad we lose them so soon. I always feel I’m not worthy of them.


Chowbasa t1_izlckit wrote

His wife’s office was also throwing it away


Western_Ladder_3593 t1_izlq71m wrote

They are a buy it for life pet


ProfessorJAM t1_izlt64i wrote

Yes! Our red slider is 20 years old -We’ve told our children they shall inherit Kermit (son has accepted the responsibility)


Western_Ladder_3593 t1_izm1pqs wrote

They outgrow aquariums fast, even large ones, i hope he has a large stock tank or a pool


15795After t1_j0hwhel wrote

Stupid question, but how do you play with them? Or what interactions do you have with them?


trustmeep t1_izlf9nl wrote

> my wife office

Talk about being married to your job!


smoothish t1_izltcb8 wrote

Gotta plug /r/plantedtank here, your turtle might thank you!


swim846 OP t1_izlv7n5 wrote

My planted 40 breeder is upstairs haha, the turtles do love tank trimming days haha


RayzTheRoof t1_izm4qtf wrote

I love that you're a turtle owner who actually gives the animal an appropriate enclosure size. But why is it so barren?


jangobotito t1_iztqjlj wrote

He said his planted tank is upstairs. I had wondered the same thing.


Liquidretro t1_izmrow6 wrote

The back looks so short, uncomfortable in a way


mistertickertape t1_izm77b0 wrote

Recently got a Haworth Zody chair. It is built like a freaking tank and is easily the most comfortable task chair I’ve ever sat in. They make great products (in Michigan!)


28nov2022 t1_izo30h6 wrote

I have an old Steelcase chair like this. I like it a lot better than the modern mesh ones.


bootsand t1_izn2dgj wrote

I haven't seen one of these before. I love the chonky cozy yet supportive aesthetic.


Dizzy_Ad_7622 t1_izpe4po wrote

So...I had something really creepy happen about a week ago. I could use some spiritual guidance adhesion...or something.


Carma-Erynna t1_izre1s9 wrote

I think I have this same chair! My partner got it off an office job. He’s a mover, so he gets a ton of awesome (and sometimes weird) stuff from jobs. He got it for me for sewing and it’s seen hell from our kids, but it’s been SO sturdy that I refuse to get rid of it! I think I’ve had it for 4 or 5 years now. He’s tried to throw it out after a few “messes” from the little ones but I made him power wash the bejeezus out of it with plenty of Dawn!


SenatorMittens t1_izlrz84 wrote

Got it for free 3 years ago = Buy It For Life


swim846 OP t1_izlvce2 wrote

Should have mentioned the chair was built in 1999 and still very comfy