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Dr_Bunsen_Burns t1_j1m6ang wrote

Those are worth a fortune second hand. Agreed, only worthwhile item from apple.

I once received an apple shuffle nano, it only had an on and off button. With the wires to the inears you.could control volume, that was it. Useless device.


BaileyM124 t1_j1m70y1 wrote

That’s literally the point of the device. Just being super small, and it plays music that’s what it was meant to do


Dr_Bunsen_Burns t1_j1pf8yk wrote

I know I read all the manuals, no way to skip a song, so I just stuck with my mp3 players. It was maybe a bit bigger, but it had a small screen and interface buttons.


bassjam1 t1_j1m8pok wrote

I had a nano shuffle, loved it. Light weight enough to clip it to my shirt collar and run, I also used it while riding my motorcycle a lot as well because I could pause/skip with gloves on without looking.


Metahec t1_j1px5sf wrote

Agreed, that no-button shuffle was garbage: small capacity, no controls, and constant shuffle so the next song was always a craps shoot. I doubt the people downvoting you ever used it or were aware of it.

The rising prices for iPods now are because a certain youtuber made it popular to refurb them during the pandemic. In 2019 you could buy the OP's 5th gen for less than $15 USD on eBay.