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PDXMouth t1_j011lc8 wrote

But they have ergonomic handles! /s


lou_parr t1_j0125od wrote

I hope you can still buy the one on the left, I too have one like the two that suck and recently I performed my annual can-opening ritual (try can-opener, swear, rummage through camping box, find little fold-out MRE can-opener, struggle round can with that, say "I really need to buy a proper can opener"... forget the whole ordeal until next year)


crummydelacrumb t1_j01bczy wrote

I went and bought a nice brand-name can opener, thinking it'll be worth the extra money. It worked so beautifully the first few times but now it's been several months and it's so rusty. Meanwhile, my mom's old one from 20+ years ago (like the one on the left in your photo) works like a charm, even if it's a little uncomfortable to grip.


Exquisiteoaf t1_j01essk wrote

The classic Swing-Away brand can opener always works. They still make it, but in China now. I’ve got an old US made one. It has to be like 30 years old. Also, if you’re ambitious, US military P38 and P51 openers (those little stamped steel fold-out ones)- they never die. Just a lot more work to open your can.


Avery_Thorn t1_j01fed1 wrote

I have an old Swingline opener that is probably a decade or two old. Works perfectly.

I bought a second one last year for my RV, and it failed within months. It just refuses to grab the can seam to move the blade forward. I can’t even figure out how it’s wrong.


Last_Patrol_ t1_j01fpyv wrote

Look at where and when it was made is all you need to know really. Made cheaper for more profit.


JLanTheMan t1_j01h6y4 wrote

I don't think I've had a new can opener that has lasted more than 2 years. I open a can probably five times a month on average. The older and uglier it is, the better it'll work.


AussieBeerCan t1_j01p7q3 wrote

EZ Duz it makes a wonderful opener that’s not too pricey and works well. I’ve had mine for 5 years and it still works like the day I bought it


OutlanderMom t1_j01urkd wrote

I’ve got two Swing-A-Ways that are still going strong after 30 years. The company was sold some years ago and of course quality nosedived. But there are vintage ones on eBay.


herlostsouls t1_j01xbd7 wrote

sadly, the one on the left tends to become unuseable for 50%+ of people because after 50 years old, your hand grip strength slides downwards. You just can't use that opener anymore past that age.


jljboucher t1_j01xm6n wrote

I have the one on the far left! Makes my hands hurt when I use but I insist on keeping it for when the electricity dies.


regaphysics t1_j01z7c3 wrote

Dunno man I got an oxo which looks similar to the right, and it’s lasted 8 years and looks like new.


MuscovadoSugarTreat t1_j0209i5 wrote

Oh no, I just bought one. I don't open cans regularly, but I bought a very cheap one in the dollar store when I first moved into a new apartment. Failed after 4 months of light use. Got myself a Swing-Away. Let's see how long it's going to last me lol.


lurkersforlife t1_j02112i wrote

Are you putting them in the dishwasher? Why do they have rust on them?


weeviltime t1_j023jf7 wrote

As soon as you’re done using a can opener, you should rinse the end off with a little water and pat it completely dry. I’ve had mine for years and it has no rust on it for that reason


KaitB2020 t1_j024pke wrote

I still have my grandmother’s one like the one on the left. Works like a dream. Unfortunately, I can’t use it with any regularity because my wrist hurts too much sometimes. I sprained it ages ago & it didn’t heal correctly, combine that with arthritis and that equals looking for a more expensive electric opener every few years or making my husband open stuff for me (which he doesn’t mind, but isn’t always here when I need or want something open).


blackcurrantcat t1_j027eoj wrote

I have one of those and I’ve bought those for other people, I’m on my 3rd in like 20 years so not as long as yours. I think they last because they’re an original, simple design.


AlienDelarge t1_j027v22 wrote

I've heard the USA made EZ DUZ IT ones are supposed to be better. I have a made in China Swing Away that had held up well enough though though it seemed to have some skips in the cut when I first got it.


Zargark t1_j028r88 wrote

Sure a can opener may be good, but nothing beats a dull knife you don’t give a shit about anymore.


sa5mmm t1_j02a9we wrote

I had one similar to one on the left and it didn’t open cans. I’m not sure if I was using it wrong (weak girl hands) or if it was just dull and I don’t know how to sharpen it. But it did last longer than the three other can openers that are similar to the ones on the right.

I did get it used so it’s possible it was just past it’s prime.


ImNotYourOpportunity t1_j02esk7 wrote

My mom always used the automatic ones that always seem to break. The first thing I did was get a manual one when I left the nest. I’ve had several because I sometimes lose them when moving but I’ve never broken a manual can opener.


Metrenomez t1_j02gr3r wrote

I bet all three work. I say this as a person who thought can openers always just sucked. I learned that you need to cut around the side and it works every time. Most people use can openers wrong.


effin98 t1_j02gxms wrote

Came here to say this. My understanding is that EZ DUZ IT is made in the same American factory where the Swingaways used to be made. Anyway, I have an EZ DUZ IT and a Chinese Swingaway and the EZ DUZ IT is clearly superior.


Hinote21 t1_j02he4n wrote

That style can opener is trash anyways. Smooth edge can openers are way better, have less exposed moving parts, are safer, and function consistently.


Exquisiteoaf t1_j02hnso wrote

They do indeed. It takes more work and time to open a can with them, of course. Gives the thumb a workout. They still make both those and the P38. You can get them in stainless steel now, too. They take up absolutely no space. They weigh virtually nothing. They cost virtually nothing. I always keep one tucked into my wallet just in case. One never knows when they will have to open a can.


rpmerf t1_j02hyja wrote

I had one like the one of the left that went to shit after a couple months. It had a plastic bushing in it that wore out / broke. My current one is more like the right one, and I've had it about 10 years. The P51 is indescribable, cheap as can be, and works very well once you get used to it.


RedditPlayerThree t1_j02l1oz wrote

My OXO can opener is ergonomic and has been working for the past 18 years.


gofasterstripes t1_j02lhzx wrote

Check out the EZ-DUZ-IT can opener. It's still made in the USA and will outlast all of us.


MrGunny t1_j02pj3b wrote

Yeah... don't buy can openers with plastic turning handles - the plastic will fail every time. You can buy new ones that are similar to the two on the right and in the middle with all metal parts and it'll last you just as long as the one on the left.


caroonth t1_j02qlx3 wrote

Another vote for the EZ-DUZ-IT. It's not BIFL, I've had one fall apart after years of near daily use, but still easily outlasts others.


ConscientiousDissntr t1_j02r5ft wrote

I have one of those. It's harder to turn than a regular can opener, and more slow going, too. My husband hates it. I use it, but even on small cans I debate whether to pull out the big, bulky electric can opener instead. On the plus side, it's easier to re-use the cans for other purposes with the lip gone.


Rizenstrom t1_j02rpel wrote

I have a pretty solid one I just got from walmart that's been good so far, goodcook, feels pretty heavy. Think we've had it about a year without it rusting or getting wobbly like a lot of the other ones we've had.


TheMrDrB t1_j02unxj wrote

I just use my electric Campbell's can opener from the 70s. I replaced the motor with an upgrade a few years back and replaced the blade but other than that 0 maintenance.


PedalUp t1_j02w7j1 wrote

I still use this opener. It comes from the USSR


Yakapo88 t1_j02wtbn wrote

Yeah but those leave the can with a sharp edge. The newer ones are much safer for kids.


reallynotnick t1_j02x1ix wrote

It's very hit or miss, like my Steelcase chair has soft plastic arms and they are fine after a decade. But then I've had a wireless mouse with some soft touch plastic and it became gummy and sticky after a couple of years.


HelperHelpingIHope t1_j02ydwc wrote

The problem is people don’t take care to dry any of their metal stuff after cleaning. They’ll either leave it to air dry in a dishwasher or some sort of drying basket.

Dry your stuff immediately after cleaning people and nothing will rust. Even the best of stainless steels will rust if you leave it wet.


neat-NEAT t1_j02yz1x wrote

I think it's just a case of overcomplicating something that doesn't need it. Leftmost has fewer moving parts and doesn't rely on a sharp rotating blade. Not surprising, I've never had a good experience with the right design.

Another plus for the leftmost one is that it doesn't leave a sharp edge on the can which is great for drinking the juice out of peach tins.


dexter_024 t1_j02z6ko wrote

Kuhn Rikon is the best can opener IMO


52gennies t1_j02zxfi wrote

My parents have a swing-away opener from the 50s and it works like new. I got one of my own (about the same age) on eBay after my rommate went through three can openers in a year.


impassiveMoon t1_j033bpg wrote

Looking at the shape of it, I wonder if a ergonomic crochet hook grip would slip on the end. They're uh...suspiciously shaped silicone rubber grips designed to make holding the pen sized style of crochet hook easier.


reddot409 t1_j034bnw wrote

I bought a can opener a month ago and it broke before I managed to oppen the first can.


Portland t1_j034ldb wrote

Harder to turn? That doesn’t match my experience at all. Instead of stabbing and cutting through the top sheet of metal, it slices the extruded bent edge and feels like it takes less force to advance the opener. 🤷‍♂️


arafella t1_j034oqp wrote

If the left one still works...why are you buying more can openers?


vengefulbeavergod t1_j035auo wrote

Not exactly BIFL, but can anyone recommend a (non-electric, no room) can opener that's easy for someone with severe arthritis?


angelmnemosyne t1_j0375ew wrote

Came here to post about the Swing-A-Way, but I see others have beaten me to it. When I was a kid, we had a Swing-A-Way that was already obviously much older than I was (because I'm not as old as Harvest Gold kitchen appliances), and it was flawless. Took it for granted until we would go on vacations and our vacation homes would have different can openers that were always garbage. Manual, electric, didn't matter, all of them were crap.

When I was a teen and preparing to move out, I was like "I gotta make sure I get one of those good can openers," and I checked the brand and purchased myself a Swing-A-Way while I was still in high school. That was about 1997, and it's still going strong.

I should call my aunt and ask her if she's still using the original Harvest Gold one from before I was born.


tiboric t1_j03azz6 wrote

The secret to a good working can opener is to oil it. A tiny dab of olive / vegetable oil works a treat. And you normally only need to do it once.


IsPhil t1_j03czuq wrote

I have one of those new "safety" can openers (I think it's also called "safe cut" can opener"). Cost me about $10 and it's been working great for the last 3 years. The mechanism is different which is probably why it's held up so well. It doesn't cut into the can, instead it lifts the lid up.


Exquisiteoaf t1_j03g1ya wrote

Oh nice. Does it say “J. W. Speaker“ on it? I believe that’s the company that originally developed the design. (They don’t make Speakers, “Speaker” is like, the last name of the guy who founded it.). I‘ve got a Vietnam-era one too.


less-right t1_j03i5ik wrote

Don’t forget survivorship bias!


joellapit t1_j03ittz wrote

Multiple can openers for me have failed. I bought that first one and it’s been going strong for years.


seeseecinnamon t1_j03j61l wrote

My mum used to buy the old can openers she would find at garage sales and gift them. So many people would come back and say it was a clever gift because they outlived everything they had.


imgeo t1_j03nu67 wrote

Stop buying $2 can openers. Spend $10 or less for a proper one and it’ll also last 30 years


BlendedBabies t1_j03qclu wrote

Yup. Moved into a new apartment over a year ago and got a brand new can opener similar to the one on the right. Didn’t last a month until it was becoming a pain in the ass to use.

Did some searching and found a stainless steel Korin manual can opener for $12 online and it works like a charm. Never had any issue after the first year and hoping it long continues.


DronesandBones t1_j03qo9n wrote

I like my kitchen mama auto can opener. It’s been working for a few years now no problems.


SailForthForever t1_j03rmmc wrote

That’s capitalism. Cut every corner possible, make it as cheap and chintzy as possible. Claim victory.


N0SF3RATU t1_j03vrh7 wrote

I've gone through way too many can openers. Many suck. The one I have now is the Amazon Commercial steel one which works like a champ.


SilentSamizdat t1_j041fpw wrote

I have one by Swing-Away that’s older than 30 years.


iageekchic18 t1_j045y5j wrote

I have a classic Swing-Away purchased in 2005. Still working like charm. I had purchased their smaller sized version a year or 2 later and it was cantankerous to use. I lost the smaller one somewhere along the way. I don't miss it.


kbotc t1_j046fiz wrote

You just need to purchase them from a reliable source because Amazon's full of Chinese counterfeit EZ DUZ ITs that uses cheap ass metal in the blade that dull in weeks instead of decades like the real deal.


Shredrik t1_j04f5ar wrote

Nothing beats those old school ones. I still have the same one my dad used when he was in college.


playingdrumsonmars t1_j04qatm wrote

I actually prefer the simple can opener of my old swiss army knife or off a Leatherman. I also prefer a simple corkscrew bottle opener with knee joint to any of the highly complex new fangled jobs. When my girl told me her favorite bottle opener she ever used was one of those battery powered alibaba automatic bottle openers I genuinely jumped 2 meters backwards and made a screeching sound. I like things simple, things that are made to last.


qOJOb t1_j04y0hq wrote

Don't care for the little shards of metal on the rim of the can around 11 minutes into that video, was definitely considering it before that


bigwebs t1_j056j88 wrote

Honestly that classic can opener design belongs in MOMA or an industrial design hall of fame. Very few things as iconic.


GeoSol t1_j058w42 wrote

I prefer an alternative style can opener that separates the factory seal on top of the can, instead of piercing the metal and creating sharp edges.

Something more like this.

Minimal moving parts, and nearly no points of failure or hard to clean areas. Only way it could be better is if you could remove the handle to clean the inside of it.


SnakeBeardTheGreat t1_j059nq8 wrote

I carried a old Army P-38 can opener on my key ring for 20 yrs., then lost my keys. That opener had a lot of cans under it's blade.


rogueop t1_j05can4 wrote

It's lasted so long because it never gets used, because its crap.


the_clash_is_back t1_j05f86x wrote

Its the cutting wheel vs the simple plough.

The wheel will lose its edge over time, but the plough can just power thru with more force:


Scoot_About t1_j05u6rr wrote

move past the stone age and use side can openers / safety can openers. They never get dirty and they're way easier to use


CEME_SMART t1_j0ahbxr wrote

I guess the leftmost can opener still works.