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Dakens2021 OP t1_j5l3d8s wrote

That's so cool, I did a little poking around on Amazon and there are so many new solar light products around now. Is there anything I should look for for a long lasting solar light product?


WiseChoices t1_j5l6fdx wrote

We use lots of them. The only helpful hint I can think of is that if they aren't working well try cleaning up the solar panel.

Dust or grease can block the power source. We just wipe them with a damp cloth now and then.


Dakens2021 OP t1_j5m45qf wrote

I'd love to hear what you use them for. I saw lots of ideas on Amazon, but would love to see how someone else is actually incorporating them.


WiseChoices t1_j5m5qqw wrote

We recently had tremendous storms and power was out for more than a day. We used a string of solar lights on the coffee table to make the room feel better.

They lasted for hours, and then we just went to bed.

We use them on the stairs and porch outside. They last for years.