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N0SF3RATU t1_j6fnhen wrote

To add to this, true 1000 thread count sheets are heavy weight and don't breath well, meaning you'll get real sweaty and uncomfortable. I have one made by "pure down" that is excellent.


xqxcpa t1_j6ho8zp wrote

No "down proof" fabric is going to breathe well. In order to make the fabric impenetrable to feathers, they make it unbreathable.


N0SF3RATU t1_j6homh8 wrote

The way I think this one works is the duvet is divided into multiple sections, each section has down encased within a down proof sachet. The surrounding borders of each section are breathable while the down retains heat, resulting in a breathable duvet that doesn't leak feathers.

*edit: which now that I think of it, must be why the duvet crackles sort of loudly when you move it.