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apexnine t1_j6cqet6 wrote

Buy a four pack of Grolsch beer. They are glass bottles with a reusable & attached ceramic or plastic plug cap. I've been using mine for a very long time now.


hagcel t1_j6dlerl wrote

This is actually solid advice. There is a brand of sparkly water that comes with the same ceramic and rubber style lid, but it's a 1 liter bottle.i normally use them for BBQ sauce, but have one set aside for water from the soda stream so it doesn't go flat.


raininmywindow t1_j6e1r71 wrote

If you search 'swing top bottle' you'll find that type of bottle without having to buy Grolsch :)

And you'll be able to find various sizes/volumes.


Over-Sense-9931 t1_j6eunw5 wrote

But buying the glass bottle together with a beverage usually results in way better prices compared to buying a single empty glass bottle with lid. Just buy a drink you enjoy or try something new, if the bottle design is nice enough