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m0nkeypox t1_j694j63 wrote

I guess you weren’t a fan. Me either. But I don’t wish tbi on anybody. What happened to her should be a warning to everyone who thinks exotic animals make good pets. Nobody needs that many cassowaries.


m0nkeypox t1_j69v1d7 wrote

I really really dislike the mindset that prioritizes finding joy in stupid stuff around your house. It strikes me as selfish. It’s like the best we can do is be joyous. How ineffectual.

If you believe joy is so important, take meth. Take meth all day and mix it with antidepressants and when you get tired, take Xanax. When you wake up, just take meth. A lot of meth brings a lot of joy. That’s why people do it. Yay meth. Brings joy. So important. Meth. Dumb. Marie Hondo.