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Muncie4 t1_j6g9098 wrote

You will be ingesting pesticides your entire life as has man since the dawn of time. Your first logical breakdown is assuming that pesticide ingestion is bad. You eat apples right? They contain arsenic. Are you going to ozone them to remove the arsenic? No? Why not...its legit poison! You have to realize that the dose is the poison and you consuming on a daily basis, an infinitesimal amount of dirt, pesticides, rodent feces, hair and all manner of unsightly items cause no harm.

Next item up for bid is the massive influx of Tiktok and other videos that show these items "removing pesticides" via ghetto ultrasonic cleaning, ozone generation, both or other quackery. What about herbicides though? Fungicides? Insecticides? Fertilizers? We not caring about other chemicals in the farming process? Will these cleaners remove surface contaminants? Yes. Can you do the same thing for $0 with a rag and a 15 minute water bath? Yes. The results will be the same within one standard deviation.

Now if you want to get one of these just to make your feel better even though its an ignorant purchase, great....go on with your bad self. There's no harm in ignorant purchases, heck some love getting nitrogen fills in their tires. But do so with open eyes. And zero of these products have any run-time worth a damn for us to discuss in this subreddit.


remivato69 OP t1_j6hjj75 wrote

damn... why'd you have to mention nitrogen in tires bro... that hit me hard. LOL