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sriracha20002 t1_j3qhw2h wrote

Disagree somewhat, I think any company that has an unconditional guarantee for replacements likely also has a product that stands up to alot of abuse. Otherwise, profits would wane, and they wouldn't be able to stay in business. Thinking of Darntough, arcteryx, and others that I have used for years now and really enjoy.

Doubting the new brands that are trying to create bifl products is part of the reason this sub has turned into a vintage show and tell.


DaCouponNinja t1_j3qs4is wrote

“Vintage show and tell” totally captures the feeling of this sub now.


-Codfish_Joe t1_j3qtq1f wrote

Warrantees are to sell products. Lifetime warrantees give the perception of durability, and sell products.


[deleted] t1_j3s5gmz wrote

plenty of shit products have a good warranty just to compete. Arc'teryx and Darntough are not good products because they have a warranty. They are good products with a good warranty. The difference is everything.

I'm amazed at how many people upvotes such a simplistic opinion. Advertising works far too well, y'all believe it.


sriracha20002 t1_j3sab43 wrote

You're right, but it's crazy to think that an unconditional warranty has NO bearing on product quality, everyone would offer unconditional warranties if so.


[deleted] t1_j3se1gy wrote



sriracha20002 t1_j3sob20 wrote

I'm sorry but this is an anecdote, the original commenter said that warranties were ONLY and EXCLUSIVELY a marketing ploy, and I am saying only that in some cases the warranty is offered because the company believes the product will last and will back that up. I have had my otterbox replaced because of dog damage, which is the only thing that managed to damage this case in the 4 years I have had it.

I would hate to work where you worked, and I dont think it represents the purchasing behaviour of this sub. The WHOLE POINT of this sub is to sus out the products you can buy today that stand up to wear and scrutiny. A good starting point is products with unconditional warranty, then the court of public opinion can also weigh in.


[deleted] t1_j3t1ebg wrote



sriracha20002 t1_j3t1u15 wrote

Dude all I'm saying is that it CAN indicate quality, that's it.


[deleted] t1_j3t281b wrote



sriracha20002 t1_j3t2r6u wrote

You're the only one having meaningless emotions in these comments chief lol. Neither of us have done correlational studies on warranties and quality/durability so this is bound to go on forever, I'm down if you're down ;)
