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Saltyigloo t1_jacdg5q wrote

Idk, I honestly think they are the most comfortable boots out of box I have ever had. They retain that till the waterproofing fails about a year later when I was landscape.

I now have an office job but still use them to run with my dog in the mud for an hour a day. That amount of use and this pair has 3 years and still going strong.

Do you mean like embedded nail guards? Yeah idk anything about that. I do know that some boots just have such strong soles that you can step on a nail and if you don't go and put your whole weight one it they will keep the nail out. I am also 160lbs though lol


AzazelCumsBuckets OP t1_jacgevl wrote

Nah, I don't have issues with stepping on things. Metatarsal protectors cover the top of the foot, and the external ones also keep the laces safe from sparks and stuff so they don't burn up. The cheapest pair of boots I've had with them were Irish setters that ran me like 140.