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King_Barrion t1_j9h65gp wrote

speaking of efficiency it is insane how wrong you were about opus 7 years ago


Diablo-D3 t1_j9ido37 wrote

I was never wrong about it.

I don't agree with Xiph resampling everything to 48k. Their reasoning is so it makes embedded platform much lower computation as they only support 48k, but that effectively pigeon holes Opus, unfairly, as a telephony codec only.

When I last did an audio codec efficiency shootout at virtually lossless quality, using a wide range of music that I resampled to 48k using SoX VHQ (so it was apples to apples), Opus basically won; in a 44.1khz native shootout, Opus was still near the top.

I did that shoot out about a decade ago. Opus was already in use as the internet's telephony codec by then, as all the popular platforms already switched to it as it was technically superior.