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Stinkyd0g t1_j7pi07t wrote

I had one maybe 5-6 years ago. It was so noisy and flimsy, even when I was sleeping alone! I would recommend spending more money to get a better one if you can swing it. I think I kept mine for a year before I couldn’t stand using it anymore


[deleted] t1_j7qc4fp wrote

No experience with tarva but I have the Stagstua bed, it’s incredibly sturdy and I have disassembled it 3 times to move and had no issues. It’s also pretty inexpensive. I also purchased the fyresdal daybed second hand and have had luck with it too. Just some other options if you decide against the Tarva.

I disagree with some of the blanket statement comments about quality. I’ve had a lot of ikea furniture for many years. If you buy the solid wood or metal, not the absolute cheapest options, and take care of it, it can last a long time.


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Inside-Wish-6112 t1_j7pzzk3 wrote

I have one and don’t have issues with it being flimsy like someone else said. I’ve had it several years and really like it.


PScooter63 t1_j7qi1br wrote

Years ago, I found a company online that sold the metal panel-style bed platforms used in almost every hotel room in the US. Most online companies sell only to hotels, but I was persistent and found one that would sell to consumers. I wanted to prevent my pets from venturing underneath. They’re not cheap (over $100 US), but you can buy the height you want to the inch, they’re rock-solid, and they WILL last forever.


TheGutch74 t1_j7rewwo wrote

I have had mine for about five years now. It has been totally fine. No noise that is notable to me. But I am also not expecting perfection out of a very reasonably priced frame. The only thing I didn't like was that it was so low to the ground. A set of risers took care of that quite well for me.


argtv200 t1_j7rsrpg wrote

I have a tarva and i really like it, have moved three times with it and it is still Solid.


green_tree t1_j7sup1u wrote

We have the Tarva but are using it with a box spring right now. Once we switch we’ll get the better bed slats (Lonset not Luroy). It’s not noisy and it seems sturdy but we’ve only had it for 6 months. Collectively my partner and I are around 350 lbs, if it makes a difference.


Background_Club3577 t1_j7t8o32 wrote

I had this for a year, moved and sold on Craigslist, and then bought the same model on Craigslist in my new place and have had it for another 2 years. I love it! It’s cheap and gets the job done. It’s not a luxury bed frame by any means though so not sure if it’s a BIFL, eventually I could see myself wanting to upgrade as it’s pretty bare bones.


rhobotzfromspace t1_j7ufr4d wrote

I’ve had it for about 5 years at this point, disassembled and reassembled once for a move. I got the more expensive slats to go with it. Zero issues.


alexm287 t1_j82il7v wrote

I can't recommend anything if you're looking to spend Tarva money, but I would absolutely unequivocally NOT recommend a Tarva as a BIFL bedframe. I might not evem recommend it as a BIF-a-year-of-college bedframe, anyway. I had one my senior year of college. Very noisy and creaky, the design of the joinery is really low grade. And to boot, mine collapsed and destroyed itself when I had a special guest sharing the bed with me...

I've since graduated and am now sleeping on a Room and Board Parsons frame. It's welded steel (and aluminum slats), heavy as hell, horrible when it's time to move, but doesn't make a peep and will never break on me, so that's where I went with my money ultimately


ShortRound89 t1_j7q4w26 wrote

Ikea bed frames are garbage, you are better off screwing some 2 by 4s together your self if you want a cheap one that doesn't snap in half within 2 years.

If you have means to build one your self it's very simple and you can find plenty of easy designs from the internet, all you really need is a saw, some screws + screwdriver and wood.


77tassells t1_j7q8d9p wrote

I can’t imagine much of what IKEA sells is BIFL. I’ve definitely had some things last but not furniture


Muncie4 t1_j7u1u2r wrote

I'd recommend you not conclusion shop on the internet. State your location, budget and desires and get answers to your question. Or you will be back here and conclusion shopping again and again.


DryChipNoSalsa OP t1_j7uhczn wrote

What? Lol


Muncie4 t1_j7uu7a1 wrote

Stated another way:

Today you ask about a Tarva bed. So far, you've gotten 2 responses speaking to noise. One said noisy. One said not noisy. So you have not gotten the help you need.

Tomorrow you ask about the XXX bed since you've gotten no good help.

Repeat every day until your death.

That's not what the internet is for. State your location, budget and desires and get answers to your question. Or make an infinity of posts. Your call.


DryChipNoSalsa OP t1_j7xrkfw wrote

I’m asking if others who’ve bought the bed would recommend it… and I appreciate all their responses. You’re a clown.


Muncie4 t1_j7yxcdh wrote

Listen asshat, if you want advice on the internet, you get advice. Don't read the advice and then berate the advisor. It wasn't the advice you wanted, but the advice you need to hear. If you want a BIFL bedframe, state your location, budget and desires and get answers to your question.

At this stage, you have gotten conflicting help on your choice so you cannot make an educated choice. Try using my advice. Or don't. Or continue being a asshat.


DryChipNoSalsa OP t1_j88r5lu wrote

Your Subaru is ugly af


Muncie4 t1_j8a66up wrote

So lovely of you to care so much as to search a user's posts to make a personal job. Please eat two portions of bear's liver.
