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KeepthePeaceHumanity OP t1_j8xw9wk wrote

>You're making a lot of assumptions about me there bud

Ironic, look at the pot calling the kettle black.

>I go at 5:00am.


>There's no one there to annoy me. But, if I'm meeting folks for a game in the evening I sometimes see folks on the weights. The only giant jugs I see are not politely stashed out of the way.

Wow, so based off of your experience, you decide to judge everybody else all in the same, because a couple people “ruined” it for you?

>I'm sorry I phrased my sentence as a personal attack on you. But, rest assured, I didn't downvote you.

I don’t think this little “debate” would have ensued in the first place, if you perhaps, didn’t phrase phrase your “sentence” as a personal attack? You can’t punch somebody in the face for no reason, then just say “I’m sorry”



Take it easy man


[deleted] t1_j8xy81y wrote



KeepthePeaceHumanity OP t1_j8xzzvo wrote

Listen, people are bringing their personal problems into my thread, when I just asked for a recommendation.

Forgive me if, I’m “Projecting”? I don’t know how else to not come off as projecting, in your eyes, I’m just responding accordingly.

You responded three different times to my comments, without a single recommendation. You didn’t add any value, but chose to voice your opinion, on how my comments may have invoked a certain feeling in you.

I’m not here to say you can’t comment, or feel a certain way, but this whole conversation has diverged into something complete unrelated to the OP, and in my humble defense, I didn’t start it.

I apologize for if I may have hurt anybody’s feelings that has been involved in this conversation. I should have known better to stoop down to that level, and just be the bigger person.

Again, Sorry.