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zealeus t1_j7v9wmp wrote

I love French press coffee. My only issue is how to clean all the grinds without washing them down the sink. I end up just making a mess trying to clean with paper towels. Anyone have a good technique?


neversayduh t1_j7vvmil wrote

I keep a small mesh strainer next to the sink. Add a little water to the leftover grounds, swish, pour into the strainer, then into the trash (or compost if you have it).


zealeus t1_j7w7jhm wrote

That's... too smart!! Definitely something I'll look into!


sceadu t1_j7xaqbr wrote

FYI I literally did this process for a while (actually with this exact French press) and still had issues with the very fine grounds causing a blockage that required snaking, so YMMV.


lostdragon05 OP t1_j7vbxbq wrote

I just scoop out as much as I can with a spoon then I put some water in it to loosen up any grounds that are still stuck. I have a little plastic cup that I cut the bottom out of and glued a French press filter onto after plugging the hole in the middle, so the water drains out into the sink and I can whack the cup on the inside of the garbage can to get the grounds out. There are usually just a few left after a couple of whacks and I don't mind washing those down the sink.


impressive_specimen t1_j7xgyys wrote

Pull the plunger 3/4 of the way up and spray some water on to it. The water will pool on the top of the plunger, and when you pull it the rest of the way up, it travels through the screens and removes a good deal of the grounds stuck to it. Pull it fully out, hold it sideways and spray the rest of the grounds stuck on the underside into the container. Take it outside, swirl it a couple times, and launch the grounds onto the lawn. Go back inside, take the plunger apart and spray the last few remnants that were trapped in the screens.