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LogicalTimber t1_j89v5dx wrote

Anyone who tells you that making your own clothes is a way to save money doesn't actually sew. There's a reason that tailoring has been its own profession for thousands of years. I've been a professional costumer for a few years now and my skill set is still really narrow - I can make really good ballet costumes, but ask me to make jeans or a coat and the fit and finish quality will be lower than what you find in stores. There's just a massive amount of skill and experience that goes into producing high quality clothes.

IMO, the best quality-to-money-and-time ratio is getting good quality clothing - second hand if you can - and take it to a tailor to have it adjusted to fit you. Having things made for you from scratch gets the best results, but don't be surprised if you're spending 4x as much or more.

If you want to take up sewing, have at it! It will stretch your brain and your fingers and the satisfaction of making your own stuff is one of the best parts of being human. But if your goal is just good quality clothes and you don't want a new hobby, there's better approaches.