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wild_biologist OP t1_j8dnala wrote

They look great. It's Chicago that in going to, so will check it out.

No doubt better than Thursdays. But also 2.5x the price. A price I'm sure is justified though.


ubiquasol t1_j8doeff wrote

Wow, what are the odds you are going to Chicago! How cool 😎 is that!? Took me a while to pull the trigger on buying a pair because of the price but they are completely worth it. I also bought the cedar shoe trees, might be a good idea to get them too if you are going to spend $500+ on boots, that was my thought process when I originally got mine.


wild_biologist OP t1_j8dor7l wrote

I might go try a pair on. Then I at least a) know for future so I could order from UK and b) have a bar to judge others against.


NandoMoriconi t1_j8e1f5c wrote

Wesco and Truman Boot Co. are noteworthy brands that others haven’t mentioned yet.

FYI: there’s a store in Chicago on Milwaukee Ave. called Mildblend that carries footwear from many of the American companies mentioned in this thread. It would be a good place to try some pairs on and compare options. They also have an excellent selection of raw denim.