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djsmith89 t1_ja3rg2r wrote

Ham radios much more regulated, there's licensing involved


akmjolnir t1_ja3z9m9 wrote

Thanks for clarifying.

So, there's no regs for CB? What sort of ranges are possible with CB?

I might just get one for emergencies.


MichaelCringealo t1_ja3zrnd wrote

Do both. It's like having a full toolbox vs. just having an Allen wrench. CB can get the job done, some of the time, but it shouldn't be your only backup emergency communication.


Environmental-End691 t1_ja47jgm wrote

Pretty decent, I mean not 100 miles, but subject to the same interferences with other radio signals.


OcotilloWells t1_ja4atos wrote

CB will go further than FRS or GMRS radios mostly because it uses AM instead of FM encoding, and use of lower frequencies. But it will be slightly more fuzzy and more prone to interference than FRS/GMRS.