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terminal_prognosis t1_jbb3o7i wrote

Yes, it is very seasonal, but even now at rush hour I am usually with a cluster of other cyclists at Inman, comparable in number to how many cars get through each light cycle. When it's very busy and people demonstrate their superlative MA gridlocking skills further east on Hampshire, I'm pretty sure many more bikes than cars get through.

Since there isn't significant bike congestion, usually you just see them briefly riding past, while the cars numbers are very evident as they're waiting in queues.

And then come May, the number of cyclists explodes. Ironic really, as IMO that's the start of the bad season for biking, when it gets too warm. Right now is at the cool end of optimal.


pagoodma t1_jb9wga0 wrote

i drive it every day and even in the winter its pretty busy!


and_dont_blink t1_jba1cne wrote

I walked it this morning heading into Inman due to poor time management, lots of cars but I think I saw one or two bikes go past. Going to stick with scenes like this being pretty seasonal.
